Grant recipients are to notify their LIIF Program Officer when they are complete with all projects and have spent the entirety of grant funds. The Use of Funds form will be sent to the email account linked to the Submittable application to close out the active part of the grant. Your Program Officer will follow up with you on grant monitoring for the term of your grant.
Let’s go over the use of funds report.
This will be sent to the email address that was provided when you submitted your application.
You will receive this report only after you have notified your program officer that all projects are completed, and you have spent all your grant money.
Please read the entire email. You can verify that this is from LIIF by checking that the Reply to address came from Submittable.
Take note that you will be asked for uploads. Write down the deadline to return the report. Click here to access the report.
The report will open in your web browser. Verify the form is the IGP RFA-1 Minor Renovation and Repair Use of Funds.
A red star indicates a required field. You will not be able to submit the report unless that field is complete.
Fill in your identifying information. The grant award is how much you were given and can be found on your grant agreement. The total project cost doesn't have to match the grant award. You may have spent more to complete all of the projects associated with this grant. And don't forget to include approved reimbursements. However, this amount should not be less than the grant award. Please reach out to your Program Officer if this is the case.
How did you spend the funds received from this grant program? Please select all that apply.
You can mark as many as apply. Please note that these entries should match what was written in your grant agreement or have been approved by your Program Officer.
List of receipts and/or invoices for actual grant expenditures.
Let's look at Example 1, in this case, Home Depot is the vendor or contractor. Invoice or receipt # goes here. If you don't have one, go ahead and skip this step. Next enter in the actual cost-this should not be an estimate since the work has been completed and paid for. Type in a short description. You can fill in 25 expenditures.
Here you will upload the copies of your receipts or invoices that will match the list above.
We will do a quick overview of an acceptable receipt.
The left side shows illegible receipts that are not acceptable. We ask that you request a new receipt from the vendor or contractor.
On the right is an acceptable receipt. It should include:
The date that the specific services were received, or items were purchased
Itemization of the services and/or goods and pricing
The name & address of the vendor providing services
Final amount due and evidence that it was paid
For more detailed information, you can refer to the video on our helpdesk website titled, "Proof of Payment for Reporting Expenditures"
Let's continue with the form.
It is highly recommended that you name your files in a way that is easy for you to manage as well as for the program officer reviewing your report.
Pay attention to this line in the instructions.
Documents should correspond to the items listed in the above table.
Let's look at some examples that are clearly titled and others that could cause confusion. Click Choose File and a window will open for you to navigate to the folder where your grant materials are kept.
Once I am in the correct folder, I am going to attach the receipts that match the projects in the table I just completed.
Here are examples of file names that are strings of numbers.They do not tell you what projects these receipts are for.
These too do not tell you what items they are for.
This file is titled Window Receipt. It tells me what the project was and that it is proof of payment, also called a receipt. Note that there are three types of these files. Since this is a document that must be read, it is best to convert to a PDF file.
Next you will be asked to upload progress and/or after photos of your project. Again, it will help you and the program officer reviewing your forms if you name the files in a way that indicates what they are. You will see here that I have files named, Kitchen After and Kitchen Before. One thing to note, is if these files are in the wrong format, the field will be red and an error message will appear with an exclamation mark. Above this is a list of acceptable files.
Next is a short section where you can write an impact statement.
Next you will enter some enrollment data.
This section asks what you would like to learn more about. Choose as many as you are interested in. If you click other, you will have the option to type this in as well.
This field is optional and you can choose to enter this or not.
This is the end of the report where you certify that the information is true, complete, and correct.
When you have completed the entire report, go ahead and click Submit Form. Once this is done it will be closed to you and sent on to your program officer for review.
If you are not ready to submit the form, you can click Save Draft.
A quick review if you decide to save the draft. When you go back to Submittable, you should be able to log into your account, check your Submissions, see this tab called Forms, then go ahead and click Continue on your form. This is how you would get back to your Use of Funds report if you saved a draft. Don’t forget to submit your report when you are complete.
Should you have any questions that were not answered in this video, remember to reach out to the Program Officer assigned to provide technical assistance to you.
And as always, thank you for all the work you are doing.