Contractor Related
- Is there any safety planning I need to do for my construction projects?
- WATCH A VIDEO: Bid Process-What Needs to be on Them
- Do we need to pay prevailing wage for the work that we have done?
- If a contractor with a lapsed license provided their updated license later in the process, do I need to provide that information to you?
- A contractor is on the unallowable list due to no contractor’s license or a lapsed contractor’s license. Can I still use that contractor?
- Do I need to advise you which contractor is chosen to do the work?
Documentation and Reporting
- I Don’t Have My Check Yet, Why Do I Need an Extension?
- WATCH A VIDEO: Use of Funds Report
- Can I use my bank or credit card statement as a receipt for grant purchases?
- Do you require photos of the completed projects?
- What are the grant reporting requirements?
- Do I need to report to you on how grant dollars were spent?
General IGP Information
- IGP: Minor Renovations and Repairs Roadmap
- Is the installation of a new solar panel system an allowable grant expense?
- How do applicants request an appeal?
- Are all applicants eligible to request an appeal?
- In the award letter, the award date is 7/1/2022, but I have not received the funding. There is a 120 day time restriction. Does the 120 day period start the day I receive the money? What if I can’t complete everything within 120 days?
- Can we request an extension past June 30, 2023 if we are unable to complete our project in time (within 120 days)?
Grant Agreement
- I signed my grant award packet through RightSignature. What happens next?
- What's Next: Infrastructure Grant Program - Minor Renovation & Repair
- WATCH A VIDEO: How to Access Award Packet
- WATCH A VIDEO: How do I complete the STD 204 form from CDSS?
- If there was a typo on my grant agreement in the listed allowable items, does it need to be corrected?
- How do I know if you have received my signed grant agreement?
Grant Funding, Payment, and Taxes
- When will I receive payment after my grant package is approved?
- Is this grant taxable?
- I am having a problem with cashing or depositing the check with my bank. What can I do?
- In the award letter, the award date is 7/1/2022, but I have not received the funding. There is a 120 day time restriction. Does the 120 day period start the day I receive the money? What if I can’t complete everything within 120 days?
- Do I need to wait for the money before I start on the approved projects?
Purchases and Costs
- Can I start my purchases before I receive the funding?
- How can I make a change to my approved purchases?
- What do we do if we began approved projects prior to funding? What if the scope of work changed due to unforeseen circumstances and it differs from the approved use of funds?
- Will additional grant money be provided for any cost increases?
- If initial estimates, bids, or costs have increased or expired, am I allowed to look elsewhere for the fulfillment?
- If approved, is it mandatory to complete all my sub-projects? Or only complete what I can once I reach the awarded amount?