承包商 Contractors
- 觀看視頻:承包商投標中需要包含哪些資訊?
- 我需要為我的建築專案做任何安全規劃嗎?Is there any safety planning I need to do for my construction projects?
- 如何為承包商工作提交新的投標?How do I submit new bids for contractor work?
- 如果我们在资金之前开始批准的项目,我们该怎么办?如果工作范围因不可预见的情 况而发生变化,并且与批准的资金使用不同,该怎么办? What if we start an approved project before funding? What if the scope of work changes due to unforeseen circumstances and differs from the approved use of funds?
- 如果许可证失效的承包商在流程的后期提供了更新的许可证,我是否需要向你们提供 该信息? If a contractor whose license has expired provides an updated license later in the process, do I need to provide it to you? the information?
- 由于没有承包商的许可证或失效的承包商的许可证,承包商被列入不允许的名单。我 还能使用该承包商吗?Contractors are placed on the disallowed list because they do not have a contractor's license or have a lapsed contractor's license. I Can I still use this contractor?
文件和报告 Documentation and Reports
- 觀看視頻:如何使用可提交?
- 如何更改申請中的電子郵件位址?
- 來自 Submittable 的郵件將進入我的垃圾郵件資料夾。我能做什麼?
- 我可以使用我的銀行或信用卡對帳單作為贈款購買的收據嗎?
- 拨款报告要求是什么?What are the grant reporting requirements?
- 我需要向你报告赠款是如何花费的吗?Do I need to report to you how the grant was spent?
基本信息 General Information About the IGP
- IGP Roadmap - Chinese
- 申请人如何提出上诉?
- 是否所有申请人都有资格提出上诉?
- 我接到一个拨款的电话,我想知道它是来自CDSS还是其他什么?I got a call for a grant and I was wondering if it was from CDSS or something?
- 是否所有申请人都有资格申请上诉? Are all applicants eligible for an appeal?
- 申请人如何申请上诉? How does an applicant apply for an appeal?
赠款、资金、付款和税收 Grant Funds, Payments and Taxes
- 我可以持有這張支票,直到 2023 年 1 月才將其存入我的帳戶,這樣贈款資金就不會成為 2022 年的應稅收入嗎?
- 這筆補助金是否應納稅?
- 我在兌現或存入銀行支票時遇到問題。我能做什麼?
- 我收到了獲獎信,但還沒有收到我的資助。完成專案的 120 天期限是什麼時候?如果我無法在 120 天內完成所有工作怎麼辦?
- 我们是否需要为我们所做的工作支付现行工资?Do we need to pay prevailing wages for the work we do?
- 我会收到 1099-G 表格吗? Will I get a 1099-G form?
采购和费用 Purchases and Expenses
- 購買學習材料是否有折扣?
- 如何更改已批准的購買?
- 如果获得批准,是否必须完成我的所有子项目?还是只在达到奖励金额后完成我能完 成的工作?Do all of my subprojects have to be completed if approved? Or do I only do what I can when the reward amount is reached?
- 我在获得资助之前购买了批准的设备(洗衣机、烘干机、暖通空调)。我可以报销吗 ? I purchased approved equipment (washer, dryer, HVAC) prior to being funded. can I get reimbursed ?
- 在开始批准的项目之前,我是否需要等待资金? Do I need to wait for funding before starting an approved project
赠款协议 Grant Agreement
- 如何從CDSS填寫STD 204表格?
- 觀看視頻:關於我的贈款獎勵包,我需要了解什麼?
- 我如何知道你们是否收到了我签署的资助协议?How do I know if you have received the funding agreement I signed?
- 在奖励信中,奖励日期是7/1/2022,但我还没有收到资金。 有120天的时间限制。 120天期限是否从我收到款项的那一天开始?如果我无法在 120 天内完成所有操作,该怎么办? In the award letter, the award date is 7/1/2022, but I have not received the funds. There is a 120-day time limit. Does the 120 day period start from the day I