Congratulations, you have received your reward packet. This is what the email looks like once you've received your reward packet. The email is addressed to you and the subject is infrastructure grant program.
Request for application one, Minor renovation and repairs, and it states. Dear Applicant, Thank you for submitting your an application in response to the infrastructure grant program.
Request for application RFA one minor renovation and repairs. This packet is to inform applicants of the approved grant amount by California Department of Social Services, CDS., Child Care and Development Division, CCDD.
Please carefully review all documents contained in this packet here. You will click on this blue box that states review and sign document.
The link will take you to a new tab and here's where you can review and complete your packet. The first two pages share the following, the amount that has been awarded.
This is the total amount you have been awarded. As you can see here, this grant has been awarded $50,500. Next, is you will see the approved items.
The grant may be used on the following items. These are the only items or projects that are approved for the funds that are being awarded.
Outdoor shade structure
- mini split AC
- fence
- window lines
- tables
- chairs
- cribs
- refrigerator
- stove
And lastly, the following items were not approved for funding, and here you can see:
- non-fixed furniture and toys
- trikes
- playground equipment
- extended service warranties for appliances
Now that you have reviewed the first three pages on the other video, please go to page four where you will see next steps.
Here you will see "Option one: accepting the grant award" and "Option two; appeal the grant award."
Option one, accepting the grant award. If you choose to accept this grant award, please follow the steps below. Review the request for transaction GA 1 that is included in this grant packet.
Complete and sign standard agreement GA 2. The required fields, including your signature, are indicated on the form. Review the grant agreement carefully and complete and sign the pay data record form STD204 - be sure to follow the directions carefully and ensure the form is filled out in its entirety. Any errors in this form can cause delays in your payment.
GA 1. This is the first page you will encounter that requires your action. As you can see, there are blue boxes. The blue boxes are areas where your information is required. The first line says Supplier/Vendor/Grantee. This is where your information will go.
As you can see as I'm filling out the boxes, they're turning from blue to green. Notice on the bottom right where it says 24 fields left--this is the amount of blue boxes that are pending your information; so, as the green bar is filling up you can track the progress of your packet.
Once it's completely full, that is when you know your packet is complete. In addition to that, the red arrows will indicate areas where your action is required.
On the far right, you will notice red dots. This can take you to the pages that your action is required as well. This is GA 1. If you click on the next red circle, it'll take you to GA 2.
In addition to that, there will be areas where your signature is required. Here, you will click on those areas and you can sign your signature using the mouse. Or you can clear if you made a mistake and you can type it in. Notice that the signature has populated.
This is the final page where your information will be required. Once you've completed the packet, the bottom right will look like this. Submit Signature. It will no longer have the progress bar because you've filled out all the boxes completely. Also, notice that all the red circles are now green.
You can reference the page and all the information is there. Once you see everything is complete, you would Submit Signature.
On the top right, you will notice where it says Executed. This means you have completed your packet and your packet has been submitted.
This concludes the video.